Horne & Benik Networks Blog

Horne & Benik Networks has been serving the Marlborough area since 1991, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Most Common and Frustrating Errors to Make with Your Technology

The Most Common and Frustrating Errors to Make with Your Technology

With the right technology at your side, you can ensure that your operations, productivity, and customer satisfaction are maximized. However, even with all these benefits, small businesses make mistakes, particularly in regard to the implementation process. How can your business overcome the hurdles that stem from improper technology implementation strategies? Let’s take a closer look.

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Getting a Solid ROI from Technology Takes Careful Planning

Getting a Solid ROI from Technology Takes Careful Planning

When was the last time you made a major purchase? Sometimes spending a ton of money on a big-budget item can seem exciting at first, but then the excitement fades over time, and you eventually start to ask why you even made the purchase in the first place. This is sometimes what happens when companies purchase technology solutions, and it occurs more often than you might expect.

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Businesses Need to Be Mindful Not to Do These Things

Businesses Need to Be Mindful Not to Do These Things

There is no greater tool for your business’ success than the technology it uses, at least in theory. If you want to maximize the value you get from your technology, you need to make the correct decisions, which is easier said than done. Let’s go over some of the things to not do with your business technology.

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3 Solutions that Can Fuel Business Growth

3 Solutions that Can Fuel Business Growth

The small business owner has to commit to changing the way that you look at his/her business. It’s not always easy. When demand makes you think bigger, your technology spend becomes a major priority. Let’s take a look at some of the changes a growing business has to make. 

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Shifting IT Strategies as Your Business Grows

Shifting IT Strategies as Your Business Grows

There is a saying that you hear a lot in business: Plan for the worst, hope for the best. This is typically related to data redundancy, cybersecurity, or one of any other proactive steps a business should take to control the continuity of their business. What happens when you plan for the worst, but the best comes to fruition? What happens when your business consistently meets demand, prospers without issue, and grows quickly? Today, we will take a look at some issues the small business owner has to deal with when his/her business isn’t so small anymore. 

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I Lost Data Once… A Collection of Horror Stories; Part 2

I Lost Data Once… A Collection of Horror Stories; Part 2

Here’s a horror story about an entrepreneur who, at a glance, was following many data backup best practices. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, things didn’t go so well when a crucial task was missed.

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Purchasing Computers for Organizational Success

Purchasing Computers for Organizational Success

You know just how essential your company’s IT is, but do you have any idea how your employees feel about the technology you provide them? In order to get the productivity your company needs out of your staff, meeting their computing needs becomes a fundamental requirement. Today, we’ll go over some of the determining factors you have to consider when purchasing computer equipment for your staff.

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Solar Energy Can Be a Boon to Businesses

Solar Energy Can Be a Boon to Businesses

When running a business, keeping the lights on is expensive - and we literally mean keeping the lights on. Power is a costly thing, and with more and more business operations relying on electronic devices, there’s an increased expenditure for power. In order to keep your business up and running, you may consider going in a different direction for energy - perhaps up?

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Artificial Intelligence is Going to Help You Work Smarter

Artificial Intelligence is Going to Help You Work Smarter

Humankind has been fascinated with the concept of helpfully intelligent machines making life easier for many years. While we may still be many years away from the likes of Josie from The Jetsons or J.A.R.V.I.S. and F.R.I.D.A.Y., Iron Man’s digital super-assistants, artificial intelligence is a very real thing, with real benefits for businesses even today.

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The Fun, the Fit, and the Weird: Our Review of CES 2018

The Fun, the Fit, and the Weird: Our Review of CES 2018

From the fun, to the fit, to the just plain weird, CES 2018 had quite a bit to show off. The Consumer Electronics Show is a chance for the technology industry to show off what they have to offer, for better or for worse. Today, we’ll go over some of the highlights that graced Las Vegas this year.

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Artificial Intelligence: Right For The SMB?

Artificial Intelligence: Right For The SMB?

If the results of a Google search for ‘small business technology trends’ is any indication, artificial intelligence (AI) is not something that just concerns larger businesses and enterprises. Judging by the sheer number of articles that have been produced over the last several months, it is easy to see why a user might get the impression that SMBs who are not considering (or that aren’t already) investigating possible uses of AI are detrimental to their own success.

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Horne & Benik
2 School Street - PO Box 305
Marlborough, New Hampshire 03455