Your business runs on its data, and as such, you need a sound strategy for sharing files and other important information to ensure collaboration goes off without a hitch. You must also do all of this while protecting your sensitive data. What are some best practices that SMBs can utilize for file sharing? Let’s go over them.
A reliable file-sharing system that utilizes cloud computing can be an excellent way to conduct business. Some of the most noteworthy names have cloud platforms specifically designed to help businesses share and collaborate online, as long as users have an Internet connection. They are great centralized platforms that can make real-time collaboration a breeze.
File sharing is also made more secure through the use of access control tools. Chances are that different people within your organization will require different access levels, depending on who they are and their roles. You want to have the ability to restrict who can view, edit, and share files based on what users do for your business. Additionally, you’ll want to have the ability to edit these permissions in real-time so collaboration isn’t too hung up in bureaucracy.
Encryption is a way to make sure that files are secure when they are located in the cloud or transferred to and from your network. This extra layer of security will prove especially useful if you have workers who are consistently out of the office for remote work or travel.
You can never underestimate how useful training your team on password protection is—especially for shared files that could potentially house sensitive or confidential information. Strong passwords and password management tools make this process a lot easier.
A collaboration tool is a great way to get a lot of value out of your technology investment, particularly if it all integrates with your file-sharing services. A good centralized tool will integrate and provide options for how you control file sharing and version control, and the best tools will ensure that there is no needless access to files.
Perhaps the best thing you can do to keep your file-sharing processes from getting disrupted is to take regular backups of your files. This will help minimize data loss. In general, not having data backup is a huge red flag that puts your business at great risk, so take action today to ensure you are doing all you can to protect your company’s future.
Not sure if you’re handling file sharing right? Let us help. To learn more, call us at (603) 499-4400.